Manijeh Razeghi is the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Electrical Engineering at Northwestern University and Director of the Center for Quantum Devices, which she founded in 1991 after a successful 10-year career as the Director of Exploratory Materials at Thomson-CSF, France. She is one of the leading scientists in the field of semiconductor science and technology, having pioneered the development and implementation of major modern epitaxial techniques. Her current research interest is in nanoscale optoelectronic quantum devices from deep-UV up to terahertz. At Northwestern University she has commercialized aluminum-free pump lasers, developed type-II superlattices for next generation infrared imagers (an area in which she holds key patents), and currently holds most of the quantum cascade lasers records for high power and tunability. She has authored 18 books, 31 books chapters, and more than 1000 journal publications. She is editor, associate, and board member of many journals, including Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Her awards include the IBM Europe Science and Technology Prize, the SWE Lifetime Achievement Award, the R.F. Bunshah Award, the IBM faculty award, Jan Czochralski Gold Medal, and many best paper awards. She is a fellow of SWE, SPIE, IEC, OSA, APS, IOP, IEEE, and MRS.